
We are committed to being a fully accessible centre and strive to give everyone the same opportunities to experience, learn and play through active adventure and discovery.

If you have additional needs, there should be no holding you back. Our professional and friendly staff deliver high quality support in a safe, accessible environment. You can enjoy the activities and leave with amazing memories often having experienced something completely new.

  • Adventure Golf, Bowling, are all wheelchair accessible activities.
  • We have disabled toilets and other toilets all on ground floor level, which is wheelchair accessible. With low level wash facilities.
  • Call alarm system in disabled toilet for assistance.
  • Taps, flushes are all sensor triggered for ease.
  • We have allocated disabled parking bays for ease of access and free parking. And suitably surfaced.
  • Fully automated doors and open plan layout which is all on one level making it accessible for wheelchair users.
  • Gradient levels are extremely low.
  • Pathways around the estate are accessible and signed.
  • Emergency evacuation points are easily accessible.
  • We do have function rooms which on quiet times could be used as a low sensory area if required.
  • Our furniture is all moveable to make easy of access to lanes, areas of eating etc.
  • Route in is free of kerbs and wide access.
  • The car park is also fully lit when needed.
  • Friendly and encouraging team
  • Family Inclusion events held throughout the year